Here are the key hurdle criteria for a work visa in Australia

What are my options?

To be eligible for a work visa in Australia you need to meet some key general criteria. Most of these are subject to special exemptions so check with a professional about whether you are eligible for exemptions. Here are the standard criteria for each “work” visa:

Temporary Visas
457489 State Sponsored489 Family Sponsored
AgeNo age restriction<50 years old<50 years old
EnglishVocational EnglishCompetent EnglishCompetent English
Skills AssessmentSomeYesYes
Sponsor Required?EmployerStateFamily
Points Required?NoYesYes
Bonus Points?n.aYesYes
Permanent Visas
Age<50 years old<50 years old<50 years old<50 years old
EnglishCompetent EnglishCompetent EnglishCompetent EnglishCompetent English
OccupationSOLSkill Level 3+SOLState Occupation List
Skills AssessmentYesSomeYesYes
Sponsor Required?EmployerEmployerNoState
Points Required?NoNoYesYes
Bonus Points?

Also there are other visas that are designed to allow migrants to work (for example temporary work short stay visa 400). These visas are generally only for short periods (such as 3 months). And of course, all other permanent visas allow the visa holder to work (eg. partner visa).

For more information about how you might be eligible for a particular visa, contact us.