Are you thinking about applying for a visa to Australia? Would you like advice on your potential options and which visa pathway may be the best one for you to take? A Migration Agent in Australia is specially trained in Australian migration law, which is one of the most complex areas of legislation, requiring a detailed knowledge and understanding of exactly how it works, how the pieces ‘fall together’ and most importantly, its practical application to real-life people in the ‘real world.’

And this is exactly what PAX Migration brings to the table. With a wealth of knowledge and experience built up over many years, including over 29 years of experience in international education and Australian commerce, we invest heavily in professional development to ensure that our technical skills are at the highest level. We consider ourselves leaders in the Migration profession and are committed to best practice ethics and technical excellence. Our client testimonials speak for themselves! Contact us to discuss your needs today.

How Can An Australian Visa Agent Help You?

Reading information online and talking with friends who have been through the process might be useful to get a basic sense of what options are out there and the type of visa you might be interested in, but this can never replace the skills, professional training and experience that a Migration Agent in Australia can bring. In this complex legislative environment, its often the case of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know.’ Not only is there the law to be considered, but also the ‘behind the scenes’ information. Case law, Tribunal rulings, immigration policy, specialist industry knowledge, submission writing and legal research are just some of the critical skills, knowledge, and experience that an Australian visa agent can bring when you engage their services.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Using A Migration Agent In Australia?

There are many! Here are a few:

  • Being a fast-moving area, with new regulations and developments frequently announced and enacted, Migration Agents in Australia keep on top of this ever-changing landscape, delving deep into what it means for their clients and making the necessary adjustments in response (for example, changing a planned visa roadmap for a client to suit the new conditions, so they get the best chance of achieving the outcome that best suits them).
  • These immigration experts know all the in’s and outs of the system; knowledge that is simply not widely known. They know where to go to find the answers they need, and carefully consider the best approach to take for their clients. Sometimes, applying for a certain type of visa may appear, on the face of it, to be a good option. But when you delve deeper into the process, it may be the case that there might be a better way of achieving the outcome you want. It is this ‘behind the scenes’ knowledge that is so crucial for visa applicants to be aware of; something that an Australian visa agent can bring.
  • Probably the first and most common question people ask when embarking on this process is which visa they should apply for? Often clients apply for a series of visas over an extended period. They might start the process with a Student Visa, before moving onto a Temporary Graduate Visa, and then to permanent residence with a Skilled visa. An Australian visa agent will carefully consider the right timing for each step in the process, and which order may be the best to take. Time limits and deadlines often apply when it comes to qualifying for a visa, which are also important factors to consider.

Migration Agents In Australia Must Be Registered

Migration agents in Australia are registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA). To register, individuals must possess prescribed qualifications, a minimum English language competency, and are subject to ongoing professional development requirements to ensure their technical knowledge remains up to date. They are also bound by a Code of Professional Conduct, which they must apply in carrying out their work as a Registered Migration Agent in Australia. Failing to adhere to these requirements can lead to disciplinary action my OMARA.

What Can PAX Migration Australia Offer?

PAX Migration Australia is a registered migration agent in Australia. Let us take care of things for you. Take the stress out of this complex journey and rest-assured that you are in safe hands. PAX Migration Australia will give you the full picture of where you stand, the pro’s, the con’s, and things you may not have previously considered, to help you to decide on the best option for you.

PAX Migration Australia is conveniently located in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, where you can have a face-to-face consultation to discuss your needs, obtain advice and formulate a roadmap for getting to where you want to go. Or, you can book a Skype or telephone appointment, where you can discuss your personal needs with a professional from the comfort of your own home or office, anywhere in the world! Distance is no barrier to achieving your goals, and PAX Migration Australia will work with you in line with what suits you best. Whether you are after a migration agent near you, or further afield, we are here to help.

After the initial phase, once we get started, we will keep in regular contact (be that via email or phone, etc.) as we work on your application. We will guide you through what documents you need to provide, forms that need to be completed and lodged, and what further information and/or documents you need to obtain (for example, police and health checks). From start to finish, we’ll be with you, by your side.

You can read more about who we are, including our team members, the PAX Guarantee and what drives us; the services we offer, including visa applications; and how we can help you.

Get More Information

For further information on engaging a professional, please see the following articles:

Selecting a migration agent in Australia

Should I use a migration agent or immigration lawyer for my application?

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Contact us to book a no-obligation consultation for your visa.


Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs – Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority