Did you know that veterinarians and vet nurses may be nominated for a skilled visa to Australia? There are a range of skilled visa options available for these occupations, which include employer sponsored, state sponsored and a temporary training visa option. Keen to learn more? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we examine how each of these occupations is classified and defined in Australia for migration purposes and the skilled options for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration, including permanent residency pathways for these occupations. This includes employer sponsored options which require you to be sponsored for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

But before we discuss the potential options for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration, let us first introduce you to some of the key elements that must be considered when assessing your eligibility for a skilled visa for veterinary professions in Australia.

Important Factors To Consider When Applying For Veterinarian Immigration Australia And Veterinary Nurse Australia Immigration

Skilled Occupation List

A key component in determining your eligibility for a skilled visa to Australia is based on whether your occupation is included on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for the relevant skilled visa being considered. It is important to be aware that each skilled visa subclass is subject to a specified SOL, which is designed to respond to skill shortages in various industries and regions across Australia. As labour markets change, so too do the relevant SOLs to reflect pertaining market conditions. It is therefore vital if you are seeking to apply for a skilled visa as a veterinarian or veterinary nurse, that you apply the correct and most up-to-date SOL in assessing your eligibility for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

Targeted Approach

Certain skilled visa options go one step further by targeting skills shortages in certain geographical areas (including in regional Australia). Employers can also sponsor or nominate suitably skilled applicants to fill vacancies in individual businesses, thereby addressing an employer-specific need. An example of this is an employer sponsored Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

There are several skilled visa options available for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration, with each one designed to meet a specific purpose. These comprise an independent, state sponsored, regional employer, family and state sponsored, employer sponsored and nominated skilled visa as well as a training and temporary graduate skilled visa (depending on the veterinary occupation).

Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa is an example of a regional state or family sponsored visa (depending on the veterinary occupation).

A regional employer-sponsored visa for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration is the Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (SESR) visa.

And a permanent residence employer nominated option for veterinarian immigration Australia is the Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa.

Each skilled visa subclass is subject to a prescribed set of visa lodgement and grant requirements, a key part of which is the relevant SOL which prescribes the selected skilled occupations which may be nominated for that visa subclass.

Nominating A Veterinarian Or A Veterinary Nurse On The Skilled Occupation List

Different SOLs apply to each skilled visa subclass. For example, the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, which is a temporary employer sponsored visa, is subject to a Short‑term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), a Medium and Long‑term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and a Regional Occupation List (ROL). The skilled occupation list that applies to an occupation determines whether it may be nominated under the short-term or medium-term stream of the subclass 482 visa program.

If the occupation is included on the STSOL, it may be nominated under the short-term stream. If the occupation is included on either the MLTSSL or the ROL, it may be nominated under the medium-term stream. There is also a labour agreement stream which applies where the sponsoring employer has a labour agreement in place, and that agreement specifies the occupation/s that may be nominated for a TSS visa.

An occupation that is on the STSOL, MLTSSL or ROL currently provides a pathway to a Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) permanent residence visa after two years.

Veterinarian Immigration Australia And Veterinary Nurse Australia Immigration Under A Labour Agreement

A labour agreement is negotiated between the Australian Government (represented by the Department of Home Affairs) and employers who seek to sponsor overseas workers for their business.

Labour agreements enable approved businesses to sponsor skilled overseas workers when there is a demonstrated need that cannot be met in the Australian labour market and the standard temporary or permanent visa programs are not available (for example, the occupation which the employer is seeking to nominate is not included on the SOL for the TSS, SESR or ENS visa programs).

One of the main benefits of entering into a labour agreement is its flexibility as it enables an employer to negotiate terms that meet the needs of the business (different types of agreements allow for varying levels of flexibility). This means that an employer may be able to negotiate certain concessions to the skilled visa criteria that would normally apply under the standard employer sponsored visa grant requirements. This can include requirements relating to English language competency, salary and age thresholds. A labour agreement can also be used to employ overseas workers in new or emerging occupations that are not defined in the ANZSCO.

Under a labour agreement, an employer can sponsor or nominate suitably skilled overseas workers for an employer sponsored skilled visa in accordance with the terms which have been negotiated with the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) in the executed labour agreement (different types of agreements allow for varying levels of flexibility).

There are five types of Labour Agreements, as listed below:

  • Company specific labour agreements
  • Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA)
  • Project agreements
  • Global Talent Employer Sponsored (GTES) agreements
  • Industry labour agreements

To learn more about labour agreements, including the different types of labour agreements and how they operate, please refer to our Labour Agreement Visa article.

Skills Assessment

To be deemed ‘suitably qualified’ for a nominated occupation under the skilled visa program, applicants are required to demonstrate that they possess a minimum level of skills, qualifications and/or employment experience as prescribed by the migration provisions for the relevant skilled visa class which is being applied for. This may include the requirement that an applicant obtains a positive skills assessment in their nominated occupation (to be completed by a specified skills assessing body). The skills assessment must be within the accepted validity date (which is normally either three years from the date of issue, or on a date earlier if specified in the skills assessment).

It must also be the correct type of skills assessment. Applicants must have a skills assessment that meets the requirements for the visa for which they are applying. For example, some assessing authorities offer a provisional skills assessment for recent graduates of Australian educational institutions who are applying for a Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa. A provisional skills assessment issued for this purpose is not a suitable skills assessment for a permanent residence skilled visa application, for example.

Skill Assessments For Veterinarians And Veterinary Nurses

Skill assessments for veterinarians are conducted by Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated (AVBC), whilst the skill assessing body for veterinary nurses in Australia is VETASSESS.

We provide further information about the skill assessment requirements for each veterinary occupation that may be nominated for a skilled visa to Australia further below in this article.

English Language

English language criteria also apply, which may require applicants to complete a prescribed English language test and achieve a specified minimum test score (there are exemptions in certain cases). Be aware that English test results are valid for a limited period (depending on the class of visa being applied for and the level of English competency required).

What Are The Possible Skilled Visa Options For Veterinarian Immigration Australia And Veterinary Nurse Australia Immigration?

Before we delve into the detail about how veterinary occupations which may qualify for a visa to Australia, let us start our discussion by introducing the main types of skilled visas that may be available for veterinarians and for veterinary nurses. We also provide links to further information on these visa options at the conclusion of this article.

General Skilled Migration

The General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa program offers the following skilled visa options (all of which are points-based) for selected veterinary occupations:

  • Subclass 189 Skilled (Independent) visa;
  • Subclass 190 Skilled (Nominated) visa (a permanent residence visa that requires State Sponsorship approval); and
  • Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa.

The GSM program operates under an invitation-based system, whereby applicants must first lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (the Department). Only upon receipt of an invitation can applicants then proceed to apply for the visa itself. Periodically, we publish a summary of the results for invitations issued in the most recent invitation round (which normally takes place quarterly). We refer you to the latest invitation round results.

The subclass 189 visa grants you immediate permanent residence in Australia. It is a points-tested visa, which means that you need to attain at least 65 points in the migration points test to submit an EOI and to qualify for the visa.

The same applies to the subclass 190 visa, although you need to be nominated by a State or Territory Government to qualify. It is points-tested, which means that you need to attain at least 65 points in the migration points test to apply and to qualify. This visa option grants you an additional 5 points for the nomination.

The subclass 491 visa is also a points-tested visa. This means that to apply and qualify for a subclass 491 visa, you will need to gain at least 65 points. This visa option grants you an additional 15 points for the nomination/sponsorship. Eligible subclass 491 visa holders may qualify for a Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa after three years.

A veterinarian may be nominated by a State or Territory government agency or sponsored by an eligible relative for a Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa. A veterinary nurse may qualify for a state sponsored subclass 491 visa.

The term of the subclass 491 visa is five years. As a subclass 491 visa holder (including any accompanying visa dependents), you must live, work and study only in a designated regional area of Australia.

Subclass 491 visa holders have unrestricted rights to travel to and from Australia during the visa term and are also entitled to enrol in Medicare, Australia’s public health system.

Employer Sponsored Skilled Visa

The range of skilled visas options that are available for teaching occupations includes the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, which is an employer sponsored temporary visa that may be granted for up to four years. It consists of three visa streams, namely, a Short-term, Medium-term and Labour Agreement stream (the labour agreement stream includes nomination in regional areas of Australia under a Designated Area Migration Agreement). The subclass 482 visa provides a pathway to permanent residence with an employer nominated visa after two years.

Employer Nominated Skilled Visa

Applicants seeking an employer nominated permanent residence visa who are prepared to commit to remaining with their nominating employer for at least two years from visa grant may consider a Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa.

The subclass 186 employer nominated visa comprises of a Direct Entry, Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) and Labour Agreement stream. The TRT option provides a pathway to permanent residence for all TSS subclass 482 visa holders after two years. This pathway is also available under the labour agreement stream in certain instances. The Direct Entry stream is for eligible applicants who automatically qualify for permanent residence.

Employer Sponsored Regional Visa

The Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (SESR) (Provisional) visa is a provisional visa which provides a pathway to permanent residence with the Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa after three years if the applicant meets specified requirements at that time. The term of the subclass 494 visa is five years.

A SESR visa holder is required to live and work in a designated regional area of Australia. They can travel to and from Australia on an unrestricted basis over the visa term. They are also entitled to enrol in Medicare.

Which Veterinary Occupations May Qualify For A Skilled Visa To Australia?

For migration law purposes, each nominated occupation is defined based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). The ANZSCO occupational classification system provides a general description of each occupation, skill level, registration and/or licensing requirements and the tasks and duties that may be required to be performed as part of each occupation. Each occupation is assigned a unique ANZSCO code, which is used to identify the occupations that are eligible for a skilled visa for Australia.

The following occupational categories for the veterinary profession contained in ANZSCO may be nominated for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration (classified as a minor groups):

  • Natural and physical science professionals (minor group 234); and
  • Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers (minor group 361).

Each minor category is then broken down into unit groups of occupations. The next level below this are specific occupations, which are each identified using an ANZSCO code. Skilled visa eligibility is, in part, based on whether your occupation appears on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for the skilled visa that you are seeking to apply for.

Our discussion will follow the ANZSCO structure as we have outlined above. We will start by looking at the minor groups listed above. We will then explore the unit groups that makes up these veterinary minor group. We then conclude with the most important component in this discussion, that being the specific veterinary occupations that may be nominated for a skilled visa to Australia.

Minor Group 234 – Natural And Physical Science Professionals

We begin our analysis with ANZSCO minor group 234 for Natural And Physical Science Professionals.

ANZSCO General Description: Natural And Physical Science Professionals perform analytical, conceptual and practical tasks in relation to environmental factors and agricultural production, the chemical and physical properties of the universe, the extraction and processing of mineral ores, life forms including the physiology and biochemistry of humans, plants and animals, and disease prevention.

ANZSCO Skill level: Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Tasks include:

  • advising farmers on techniques for improving crop and livestock production
  • conducting experiments and tests to identify the chemical composition and reactive properties of natural substances and processed materials
  • developing conservation and management policies for biological resources, such as fish populations and forests, and establishing standards and developing approaches for the control of pollution and the rehabilitation of areas disturbed by activities such as mining, timber felling and overgrazing
  • conducting studies of minerals and the nature and formation of the earth’s crust, and carrying out mineral exploration
  • studying the forms and structures of organs and tissues of the body by systematic observation, dissection and microscopic examination
  • investigating the effects of environmental factors, such as rainfall, temperature, sunlight, soil, topography and disease, on plant and animal growth
  • analysing samples of body tissue and fluids to develop techniques to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
  • treating animals medically and surgically, and administering and prescribing drugs, analgesics, and general and local anaesthetics for animals
  • conducting experiments to discover and develop industrial, medical and other practical applications of physics
  • studying and applying chemical and metallurgical techniques for extracting and refining metallic materials from their ores and concentrates

The 234 minor group comprises the following unit groups:

  • 2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists;
  • 2342 Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists;
  • 2343 Environmental Scientists;
  • 2344 Geologists, Geophysicists and Hydrogeologists;
  • 2345 Life Scientists;
  • 2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists;
  • 2347 Veterinarians; and
  • 2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals.

Set out below is the specific veterinarian occupation which may be nominated and therefore may qualify for an Australian skilled visa.

Unit Group 2347 – Veterinarians

This unit group consists of the single occupation of Veterinarian, with the following elements.

ANZSCO General Description: Veterinarians diagnose, treat and prevent animal diseases, ailments and injuries.

ANZSCO Skill level: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. Registration or licensing is required.

Tasks include:

  • treating animals medically and surgically, and administering and prescribing drugs, analgesics, and general and local anaesthetics
  • determining the presence and nature of abnormal conditions by physical examination, laboratory testing and through diagnostic imaging techniques including radiography and ultrasound
  • performing surgery, dressing wounds and setting broken bones
  • rendering obstetric services to animals
  • participating in programs designed to prevent the occurrence and spread of animal diseases
  • inoculating animals against, and testing for, infectious diseases and notifying authorities of outbreaks of infectious animal diseases
  • performing autopsies to determine cause of death
  • advising clients on health, nutrition and feeding, hygiene, breeding and care of animals
  • may provide professional services to commercial firms producing biological and pharmaceutical products
  • may specialise in the treatment of a particular animal group or in a particular specialty area such as cardiology, chiropractic, dermatology or critical care

Skill assessing authority: AVBC

Skilled Occupation List: Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)

Skilled Visa Options:

  • Subclass 189 Skilled (Independent) visa
  • Subclass 190 Skilled (Nominated) visa
  • Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa
  • Subclass 407 Training visa
  • Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (Medium Term Stream)
  • Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa (Graduate Work Stream)*
  • Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (State or Territory nominated)
  • Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (Family sponsored)
  • Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (Employer sponsored stream)

* Potential applicants may also qualify under the Post-Study Work Stream, which does not apply a Skilled Occupation List.

A description of the occupation in the Veterinarians ANZSCO group is listed below.

ANZSCO Occupation ANZSCO code ANZSCO Description

Alternative Title:
Veterinary Surgeon

Veterinary Parasitologist Veterinary Pathologist

234711 Diagnoses, treats and prevents animal diseases, ailments and injuries. Registration or licensing is required.

Minor Group 361 – Animal Attendants And Trainers, and Shearers

Next, we take a look at ANZSCO minor group 361 for Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers.

ANZSCO General Description: Animal Attendants And Trainers, and Shearers care for, groom, train and shear animals, and assist Veterinarians.

ANZSCO Skill level: Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV.

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Tasks include:

  • training animals to obey commands and perform in competitions
  • bathing, cutting, combing, blow-drying and styling pets’ coats, clipping their nails and cleaning their ears
  • inspecting, preparing, cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining comfortable animal cages and enclosures
  • filling water troughs and feeding animals according to their individual needs
  • shearing wool and hair from animals
  • assisting Veterinarians to perform procedures and operations
  • maintaining animal health records and monitoring animal health conditions and recovery after operations

The 361 minor group comprises the following unit groups:

  • 3611 Animal Attendants and Trainers;
  • 3612 Shearers; and
  • 3613 Veterinary Nurses.

Set out below are the specific Animal Attendants And Trainers, and Shearers occupations which may be nominated and therefore may qualify for an Australian skilled visa.

Unit Group 3613 – Veterinary Nurses

There is one occupation included in the Veterinary Nurses ANZSCO group which may be nominated for a skilled visa, with the following elements:

ANZSCO General Description: Veterinary Nurses care for animals under treatment and in temporary residence at veterinary facilities and assist Veterinarians to perform procedures and operations.

ANZSCO Skill level: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV.

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Tasks include:

  • holding animals to allow examination and treatment by Veterinarians
  • cleaning and sterilising examination tables and equipment
  • preparing instruments and handing them to the Veterinarian
  • assisting Veterinarians to administer anaesthetics and oxygen during operations
  • placing animals in cages for recovery from operations and monitoring their condition
  • giving medications to animals
  • maintaining stock control and records
  • providing animal care advice, and preparing, delivering, and reviewing animal care education programs
  • may perform diagnostic laboratory tests
  • may act as receptionist, accept payments and undertake clerical work

Skill assessing authority: VETASSESS

Skilled Occupation List: Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)

Skilled Visa Options:

  • Subclass 190 Skilled (Nominated) visa
  • Subclass 407 Training visa
  • Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (Short Term Stream)
  • Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (State or Territory nominated)
  • Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (Employer sponsored stream)

A description of the occupation in the Veterinary Nurses ANZSCO group which may be nominated for a skilled visa is listed below.

ANZSCO Occupation ANZSCO code ANZSCO Description
Veterinary Nurse

Alternative Titles:
Animal Nurse Veterinary Assistant

361311 Cares for animals under treatment or in temporary residence at veterinary facilities and assists Veterinarians to perform procedures and operations.

Skill Assessments For Veterinary Occupations

Skill assessments for veterinarians are conducted by Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated (AVBC), whilst the skill assessing body for veterinary nurses in Australia is VETASSESS. For the remainder of our discussion, we provide further details about the skill assessment criteria that must be met to obtain a positive skills assessment for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.


You can apply for a Skills Assessment with AVBC for veterinarian immigration Australia if you hold full registration (without conditions) with an Australian Veterinary Registration Board and you meet AVBC’s English Language Standards.

If your qualifications do not enable you to apply for registration without further examination, options include:

  • enrolling at an Australasian veterinary school and completing the accredited veterinary program; or
  • sitting the Australasian Veterinary Examination (AVE). The AVE has been developed to assist veterinarians who qualified overseas to obtain registration in Australia or New Zealand. The examination ensures that eligible overseas veterinarians meet the standards required to practice in Australia.

Please refer to the AVBC website for further information.


VETASSESS full skills assessment involves assessing your qualifications and employment against the suitability of your nominated occupation. Qualification assessment involves assessing the educational level comparability of your qualifications on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and determining the relevance of your qualifications for your nominated occupation.

An employment assessment involves determining whether your work experience (obtained either in Australia or overseas) is at an appropriate skill level and relevant to your nominated occupation.

A positive assessment of both qualifications and employment is required for a successful skills assessment for migration purposes.

Set out below are the qualification and employment experience skill assessment requirements for veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

Veterinary Nurse (ANZSCO Code 361311)

This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the education level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate IV or higher and in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

In addition to the above, it is essential for applicants to meet the following employment criteria:

  • at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level,
  • undertaken in the last five years,
  • working 20 hours or more per week, and
  • highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

If the qualification is not in a highly relevant field, then the applicant must have:

  • two years of post-qualification employment experience at an appropriate skill level,
  • undertaken in the last five years,
  • working 20 hours or more per week, and
  • highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

If the applicant holds a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation, then three years of highly relevant employment undertaken in the last five years is required.

If employment has occurred before completion of qualification, then three years of highly relevant employment experience are required in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five years.

Please note in order to achieve a successful Skills Assessment Outcome, a positive assessment for both qualifications and employment is required.

Please refer to the VETASSESS website for further information.

Get More Information

Skilled Visa Options For Selected Occupations

Please refer to our series of articles on the skilled visa options that are available for selected occupations below:

Visa Options For Professionals

Skilled Trade Visa Options In Australia

Australian Immigration And Visa Options For Doctors

Australian Immigration And Visa Options For Nurses

Australian Visa Options For Engineers

Migrate To Australia As A Plastics Moulder Machine Operator, Fabricator, Welder Or Technician

How To Migrate To Australia As A Pig Farmer Or A Senior Piggery Stockperson

Migrate To Australia As A Small Engine Mechanic

Migrate To Australia As A Sandblaster

Employer Sponsored Regional Visa

For further information on the subclass 494 regional employer sponsored visa, please see the following articles:

Skilled Regional Visa Australia

Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme

Regional Sponsored Visa Requirements

Employer Sponsored Visa

To learn more about an employer sponsorship visa, please see the following articles:

Employer Sponsored Visas

Employer Nomination Migration Scheme

Labour Agreement Visa

482 Visa Employer Obligations

457 Visa Replacement

Employer Sponsor Visa Requirements

Changes To 457 Temporary Work Skilled Visa

Business Requirements For Accredited Sponsorship

Self Sponsor Visa Australia

Does 482 Visa Require Skills Assessment

Subclass 482 – A Guide to Temporary Skill Shortage

Permanent Residence Eligibility Extended For Certain Subclass 457 And 482 Visa Holders

How To Sponsor An Employee For A Work Visa Or Permanent Residency

Overview Of Australian Work Visas And Employer Sponsorship

Guide To Australian Sponsorship Visa Costs

How To Become A Sponsor

Labour Market Testing Requirements

Skilled Visa

To learn more about applying for a skilled visa, please see the following articles:

Australian Skilled Migration Visa List

General Skilled Migration Visa Options

SAF Skilling Australians Fund Levy

General Skilled Migration Visa Points

Subclass 491 Regional Visa

Subclass 190 State Sponsorship Visa

Australian Skilled Occupations List

Australian Permanent Resident Visa Case Study

State Sponsorship Visas In Australia

South Australia State Sponsorship Opportunities

Skilled Regional Visa Australia

Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme

Regional Sponsored Visa Requirements

Visa Options For Professionals

Skilled Trade Visa Options In Australia

English Requirements For Skilled Visas

Australian Visa Options For IT Occupations

Australian Immigration And Visa Options For Doctors

Australian Immigration And Visa Options For Nurses

Australian Visa Options For Engineers

Adelaide 190 Visa

491 Visa Adelaide

Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates and additional information.

Contact us to book a no-obligation consultation to find out more about applying for a skilled visa for veterinary occupations, including the skilled visa options that are available for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In conclusion, we note that the above discussion provides an overview of the Australian visa options for veterinarians and veterinary nurses, including for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration.

We have also covered the AVBC and VETASSESS skills assessment requirements for veterinarian immigration Australia and veterinary nurse Australia immigration, and have provided links to further information so that you can learn more about the visa options that have been discussed in this article.

Australia’s migration laws are complex, and each case is different. We recommend that you seek professional advice if you are seeking to migrate to Australia as a veterinarian or veterinary nurse, as being fully informed will give you the best chance of achieving a successful outcome on your case. A migration professional can help you to do this.

For up-to-date advice on the skilled visa options that are available for a veterinarian or veterinary nurse to migrate to Australia, book your confidential consultation with a migration agent in Adelaide. PAX Migration Australia is a leading immigration advice service based in Adelaide.



VETASSESS – Skills Assessment for Migration – Professional occupations – Application process

VETASSESS – Skills Assessment For Migration – Professional Occupations – Nominate an occupation

Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs – Immigration and Citizenship – Visas – Working in Australia – Skilled occupation list

Australian Bureau of Statistics – Statistics Classifications ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations 2022

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated (AVBC)

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated (AVBC) – For Veterinarians – Skills Assessment for migration

Trades Recognition Australia

1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2  – Contents >> Major Group 2 Professionals >> SUB-MAJOR GROUP 23 Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals >> MINOR GROUP 234 Natural and Physical Science Professionals

1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2  – Contents >> Major Group 2 Professionals >> SUB-MAJOR GROUP 23 Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals >> MINOR GROUP 234 Natural and Physical Science Professionals >> UNIT GROUP 2347 Veterinarians

1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2   – Contents >> Major Group 3 Technicians and Trades Workers >> SUB-MAJOR GROUP 36 Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers >> MINOR GROUP 361 Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers

1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2  – Contents >> Major Group 3 Technicians and Trades Workers >> SUB-MAJOR GROUP 36 Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers >> MINOR GROUP 361 Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers >> UNIT GROUP 3613 Veterinary Nurses