Outstanding visa services! 5-stars, Julian

PAX Migration is by far the best. 5-stars, Shahrukh

Highly recommend PAX Migration. 5-stars, Oscar Chan

Pax Migration are real professionals. 5-stars, Sophie

PAX is one of the best agencies I have worked with. 5-stars, Goldwyn Assan

Thank goodness I found PAX Migration! Annette

Best quality migration services. Sharna & Mike

These are just a sample of reviews and testimonials provided by clients’ of PAX Migration Australia.

We thought we’d let our clients speak for themselves in what they think about us. We think the best way to know whether a service provider is as good as they say they are is to judge based on what the people who use their services think. After all, these clients have first-hand experience and will give honest feedback.

Find out for yourself how good we really are by contacting PAX Migration Australia to discuss your needs today.

What Makes PAX Migration Australia Stand Out From The Rest?

Simply put, its because we are really good at what we do. We have over thirty years of experience in the industry and have dealt with a wide range of immigration challenges on behalf of our clients. If you engage our services, you can rest assured that we will be with you every step of the way, from the initial consultation stage where we gather as much information about you as possible to determine your visa options, your migration goals and needs, right through to a decision being made on your application by the Department of Home Affairs (the Department). We can also assist you with a Tribunal appeal should your application be refused, or if your visa is cancelled.

Why Use An Immigration Agent Near Elizabeth?

On the face of it, preparing a visa application may look pretty easy, and with the proliferation of information available online these days, some people may ask, why pay someone for something that they can do themselves? Especially with the high visa application fees that are charged by the Department, why not save money and just do it yourself?

Immigration Is Complicated

Because in actual fact, the immigration process can, and often is, a complex one. Even the most basic of visas, such as a Visitor Visa, can actually involve more complicated issues than may first appear to be the case. Migration agent near Elizabeth have the skills, training and experience to identify problems which may arise, which allows out agents to pre-empt complications or delays with your application. We know what to look for, knowledge which is gained through study and years of experience in the industry. Someone picking up an application for the first time without any knowledge except for what they find on the internet can pose risks that it will be refused for this very reason. The average person with no experience or knowledge of migration can’t be expected to know what an immigration agent Elizabeth knows, and therefore can miss crucial requirements when preparing their application, and therefore risk a refusal.

Immigration Requirements Can Be Subjective

Not all visa requirements are clear-cut and easy to interpret. Migration law is often said to be one of the most complicated areas of the law in Australia; even trained and highly experienced practitioners in the industry often need extra enquiry in dealing with issues that their clients face. Research and consultation with other experts and industry bodies in the migration field are a key feature of the work that migration agent near Elizabeth do; it is not simply a case of filling out forms and ticking boxes; there is actually a lot of knowledge and skill that is required in order to go ‘behind’ what the legislation says and to decipher what it actually means. And often times, an application involves building a persuasive argument to demonstrate to the Department that you meet the requirements for visa grant.

As part of this process, your immigration agent near Elizabeth will examine whether a written submission is required to be submitted as part of your visa application, to supplement the information already being provided. Although this type of supporting evidence may not a stipulated document which is listed as a requirement by the Department as part of the visa lodgement process, a migration agent near Elizabeth may determine that your case requires extra explanation, often with reference to immigration policy, previous Tribunal decisions and/or case law. A submission allows your agent to ‘flesh out the details’ of your situation, to help persuade the Department as to why you meet the visa grant requirements. Someone lodging their own application is unlikely to be in a position to know this level of detail, and will lodge just the required list of supporting documents, with no further explanation of their particular circumstances, or how it compares with previous Tribunal appeals or case law decisions. Immigration policy is also often used by, and referred to by immigration agent near Elizabeth, an important information source which is not publicly published (it must be accessed through a subscription service). Policy is a crucial element in this jigsaw as it informs as to how the Department is likely to interpret the migration legislation and regulations.

If you compare these two scenarios, you can see why the individual who uses an expert may help to improve their chances of a successful outcome on their application. This extra supporting detail can give their application the edge and persuade the case officer that the facts presented warrant grant of the visa.

Some examples of where these sorts of issues can arise is whether a relationship is genuine for a Partner Visa; whether an employer seeking to sponsor an overseas worker has genuinely attempted to find an Australian to fill a position in their business; and whether a migrant has completed skilled work experience at the level required for the nominated occupation when applying for a Skilled Visa. Careful analysis is required when dealing with such issues, as is determining the right sort of evidence to provide. Sometimes, visa applicants provide too much information, which may be incorrect or unhelpful, and actually harm their chances of convincing the case officer that they meet the visa grant requirements.

This is exactly what an immigration agent near Elizabeth is trained to do; to know what information is needed, and what may help tip the application over the line, especially where the answer as to whether the applicant meets a visa requirement is less clear-cut.

Immigration Is Ever-Changing

If you favour consistency and certainty, then immigration law will come as a shock! Changes are frequent and keeping on top of these issues is crucial in ensuring that requirements are not missed. Industry professionals like PAX Migration Australia are required to keep on top of these developments as part of their professional obligations as Registered Migrations Agents (RMA). RMAs must abide by a Code of Conduct as part of their ongoing registration requirements, which includes the requirement to have:

“… a sound working knowledge of the Migration Act and Migration Regulations, and other legislation relating to migration procedure, and a capacity to provide accurate and timely advice.” Clause 2.3


“… take appropriate steps to maintain and improve his or her knowledge of the current versions of:

(i) the Migration Act 1958; and

(ii) the Migration Regulations 1994; and

(iii) other legislation relating to migration procedure; and

(iv) portfolio policies and procedures …” Clause 2.5

The Government will often change laws and regulations to respond to current conditions at various points in time. Immigration policy too is updated by the Department. Keeping track of these changes and ensuring that they are incorporated into their current practice is a key feature of what RMAs do in the course of carrying out their work.

The Consequences Of A Visa Refusal Can Add Complications

Not getting it right can mean that mistakes are made, information is missed, is incorrect or unhelpful to the case (all of which are avoidable), and can result in further scrutiny by the Department, and consequently a greater chance of a refusal. And what does a refusal mean? More complications in most cases, which can have snowball effects on a person’s chances of obtaining a visa to Australia, even into the future. The more serious cases can result in re-entry bans and prevent grant of a visa to Australia. As you can see, serious ramifications can result from making a mistake.

These are just some of the reasons why using an immigration agent near Elizabeth can be beneficial. An agent like PAX Migration Australia, which has a deep knowledge of immigration law and practice, can help avoid mistakes and navigate the maze that is immigration law as efficiently and risk free as possible and, in the process, help improve your chances of achieving your migration goals. The team will help to ensure that you lodge a complete and correct application with all required supporting documentation, including any additional information which may help your case, based on the most up-to-date legislative and regulatory requirements.

Get More Information

To read more about why you should consider choosing PAX Migration Australia, what our clients think about us, and why obtaining expert advice in general can be beneficial in achieving a positive outcome on your application, please see the following articles:

Selecting a migration agent in Australia

Should I use a migration agent or immigration lawyer for my application?

Migration Agent in Adelaide

Immigration Agent Adelaide

Migration Agent Australia

Best Migration Agent Adelaide

PAX Migration Adelaide

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Contact us to book a no-obligation consultation to learn more about how PAX Migration Australia can help you with your visa application.



Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs – OMARA – Get help with a visa – Help from registered migration agents – How registered migration agents can help


Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs – OMARA – Tools for registered agents – Code of conduct
